Saturday 4 August 2012

Benefits of Dates


The prophet (PBUH) said: “Indeed in dates there is a cure”.
Reported by Muslim (14/3) and Ahmad (6/152)
Benefits of Dates
All the prophet’s (peace be upon him) kindness on his nation is shown in Dates and in recommending them as he explained the useful things even in such matters. The benefits and utilities of dates are shown as some doctors mentioned the benefits of Iftar on Dates and said: (starting Iftar with dates has a lot of healthy and nutritional benefits, some of these benefits are: Dates are easy to digest so they don’t exhaust the fasting person stomach. Dates decrease the great hunger feeling of the fasting person and so he doesn’t rush into excessive food eating which causes digestion disorders. Dates prepare the stomach to receive the food after being inactive through out the day with activating the release of digestive secretions and juices. Dates are very rich with sugary energy and so the body is supplied with the most important nutrients which is sugar that is irreplaceable as a nutrient for the brain cells and nerves. Dates protect the fasting person from having constipation as a result of changing meals times or as a result of having low fiber amounts in meals. The alkaline salts in dates adjust the acidity of blood which result from excessiveness eating of meat and carbohydrates which causes a lot of hereditary diseases as diabetes, gout, renal stones, gall bladder inflammations, high blood pressure and hemorrhoids).
The research of date’s benefits, prepared by nutrition department of hospitals administration in the health ministry in Kuwait.

All the prophet’s (peace be upon him) kindness on his nation is shown in Dates and in recommending them as he explained the useful things even in such matters.

The benefits and utilities of dates are shown as some doctors mentioned the benefits of Iftar on Dates and said: (starting Iftar with dates has a lot of healthy and nutritional benefits, some of these benefits are:

  1. Dates are easy to digest so they don’t exhaust the fasting person stomach.
  2. Dates decrease the great hunger feeling of the fasting person and so he doesn’t rush into excessive food eating which causes digestion disorders.
  3. Dates prepare the stomach to receive the food after being inactive through out the day with activating the release of digestive secretions and juices.
  4. Dates are very rich with sugary energy and so the body is supplied with the most important nutrients which is sugar that is irreplaceable as a nutrient for the brain cells and nerves.
  5. Dates protect the fasting person from having constipation as a result of changing meals times or as a result of having low fiber amounts in meals.
  6. The alkaline salts in dates adjust the acidity of blood which result from excessiveness eating of meat and carbohydrates which causes a lot of hereditary diseases as diabetes, gout, renal stones, gall bladder inflammations, high blood pressure and hemorrhoids).

The research of date’s benefits, prepared by nutrition department of hospitals administration in the health ministry in Kuwait.

sumber : tumblr

Sunday 15 January 2012

Advertisement Level : Awesome

arahmyad :
kalau aku dah ada bisnes nanti nak buat iklan gila-gila macam depani jugak. LOL

sumber : tumblr

Sunday 1 May 2011

Sunday 24 April 2011

7 Rare Rainbow Formations

Circular rainbows:
Most of the rainbows we see are actually arcs of perfect circles (with, accordingly, radii of exactly 42 degrees).

Secondary rainbows:
Primary rainbows are often accompanied by secondary rainbows that are usually thinner and dimmer than the main rainbow. They display the spectrum in reverse order from that of a primary rainbow.

Red rainbows:Red rainbows are usually seen at sunrise or sunset when the thickness of the earth’s atmosphere filters out blue light leaving more red or orange light for water droplets to reflect and refract.

Sundog:Sundogs are not rainbows per se, but share many of their visible attributes. Sundogs are created when sunlight shines through ice crystals high in the atmosphere.

Fogbow:Fogbows are much rarer than rainbows because certain narrow parameters must align to create them. For one, the light source must be behind the observer and low to the ground. Also, any fog to the rear of the observer must be very thin so that sunlight can shine through to the thicker fog in front.

Fire rainbows:
Fire rainbows are not true rainbows. The phenomenon (called a “circumhorizontal arc”) can only be viewed under certain precise conditions: the cirrus clouds that act as prisms must be at least 20,000 feet high and the sun must strike them when it is at an elevation of 58 to 68 degrees.

Moonbows are much more difficult to witness due to the requirement of a passing rainstorm and, ideally, a bright full moon unblocked by clouds.

Sumber : 7 Rare Rainbow Formations

Arahmyad:Dah lama tak tengok pelangi....

Monday 11 April 2011

7 Formasi Awan Yang Aneh

Morning Glory clouds

Mammatus clouds

Lenticular clouds

Kelvin-Helmholz waves

Pileus cloud

Noctilucent clouds

Roll clouds

arahmyad: indahnya ciptaan Allah S.W.T.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Saturday 5 March 2011

Kau Dah Melupakan Aku Ke?

Waktu engkau masih kanak-kanak...
Kau laksana kawan sejatiku..
Dengan wudu'...
Aku kau sentuh dalam keadaan suci..
Aku kau pegang..
Aku kau junjung dan kau pelajari...
Aku engkau baca dengan suara lirih atau pun keras setiap hari..
Setelah selesai engkau menciumku mesra...

Sekarang engkau telah dewasa...
Nampaknya kau sudah tak berminat lagi padaku...
Apakah Aku bahan bacaan usang yang tinggal sejarah...?
Menurutmu, mungkin Aku bahan bacaan yang tidak menambah pengetahuanmu...
Atau, menurutmu Aku hanya untuk anak kecil yang belajar mengaji...
Sekarang, Aku tersimpan rapi sekali sehingga engkau lupa di mana Aku tersimpan...
Aku sudah engkau anggap hanya sebagai pengisi setormu..

Kadang-kala Aku dijadikan mas kawin agar engkau dianggap bertaqwa...
Atau Aku kau buat penangkal untuk menakuti iblis dansyaitan...
Kini Aku lebih banyak tersingkir, dibiarkan dalamkesendirian,kesepian..
Di dalam almari, di dalam laci, Aku engkau pendamkan...

Pagi-pagi...surah-surah yang ada padaku engkau baca beberapa halaman...
Di waktu petang, Aku kau baca beramai-ramai bersama temanmu disurau...

Seawal pagi sambil minum kopi...engkaubaca surat khabar dahulu..
Waktu lapang engkau membaca buku karangan manusia..
Sedangkan Aku yang berisi ayat-ayat yang datang dari AllahAzzawajalla,
Engkau engkau abaikan dan engkau lupakan...

Waktu berangkat kerja pun kadang engkau lupa baca pembuka surah-surahku (Bismillah)..
Di dalam perjalanan engkau lebih asyik menikmati muzik duniawi..
Tidak ada kaset yang berisi ayat Allah yang terdapat di dalam keretamu..
Sepanjang perjalanan, radiomu selalu tertuju ke stesen radio kesukaanmu..

Di meja kerjamu tidak ada Aku untuk kau baca sebelum kau mulai kerja..
Di komputermu pun kau putar muzik favoritmu..
Jarang sekali engkau putar ayat-ayatku.........
E-mail temanmu yang ada ayat-ayatku pun kau abaikan...
Engkau terlalu sibuk dengan urusan duniamu...
Benarlah dugaanku bahawa engkau kini sudah benar-benar hampir melupaiku...

Bila malam tiba engkau tahan bersekang mata berjam-jamdi depan TV...
Menonton siaran televisyen...
Di depan komputer berjam-jam engkau betah duduk..
Hanya sekedar membaca berita murahan dan gambar sampah...
Waktupun cepat berlalu..
Aku semakin kusam dalam laci-lacimu...
Mengumpul debu atau mungkin dimakan hama...

Seingatku, hanya awal Ramadhan engkau membacaku kembali...
Itupun hanya beberapa lembar dariku...
Dengan suara dan lafadz yang tidak semerdu dulu...
Engkaupun kini terangkak-rangkak ketika membacaku...

Atau waktu kematian saudara atau taulanmu...
Bila engkau di kubur sendirian menunggu sampai kiamat tiba...
Engkau akan diperiksa oleh para malaikat suruhanNya....

Apakah TV, radio, hiburan atau komputer dapat menolongkamu?
Yang pasti ayat-ayat Allah s.w.t yang ada padaku menolongmu..
Itu janji Tuhanmu, Allah s.w.t..

Sekarang engkau begitu enteng membuang waktumu...
Setiap saat berlalu...
Dan akhirnya...
Kubur yang setia menunggumu...
Engkau pasti kembali, kembali kepada Tuhanmu...

Jika Aku engkau baca selalu dan engkau hayati...
Di kuburmu nanti...
Aku akan datang sebagai pemuda gagah nan tampan..
Yang akan membantu engkau membela diri..
Dalam perjalanan ke alam akhirat...
Dan Akulah "Al-Qur'an", kitab sucimu...
Yang senantiasa setia menemani dan melindungimu....

Peganglah Aku kembali...
Bacalah aku kembali setiap hari...
Karena ayat-ayat yang ada padaku adalah ayat-ayat suci..
Yang berasal dari Allah Azzawajalla..
Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Pemurah...
Yang disampaikan oleh Jibril melalui Rasulmu...
Keluarkanlah segera Aku dari almari, lacimu...
Letakkan Aku selalu di depan meja kerjamu...
Agar engkau senantiasa mengingat Tuhanmu...
Sentuhilah Aku kembali...

Baca dan pelajari lagi Aku...
Setiap datangnya pagi, petang dan malam hari walau secebis ayat...
Seperti dulu...
Waktu engkau masih kecil...
Di surau kecil kampung halamanmu yang damai...
Jangan Aku engkau biarkan sendiri...
Dalam bisu dan sepi...

Maha Suci Allah, yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Bijaksana. Semoga bermanfaat.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

“ALLAH itu indah, dan cinta pada keindahan.”

Rasulullah s.a.w. telah bersabda:
 ALLAH itu indah,
dan cinta pada keindahan.” 
(Riwayat Muslim)

Thursday 11 November 2010

Sayang Di Sayang

Mari berkeroncong~~

Angin menderu
Dahan jatuh menimpa batu

Murai terkejut berkicau-kicauan
Langit mendung diliputi awan
Alamat bumi disirami hujan
Sayang di sayang

Hatiku rindu
Orang jauh tak lupa dari

Fikiran kusut berisau-risauan
Sakit untung ditinggalkan kawan
Ibarat kapal tidak berhaluan
Sayang di sayang